The render_report
function is called once for each report to be created. render_report_safely
wraps render_report
in purrr::safely
p_df = filter_report(df = RUBer::df_example, report_nr = 6L),
p_df_stg = NULL,
report_nr = 6L,
rmd_template = fs::path_package(package = "RUBer", "rmarkdown", "templates",
"datenreport-2022", "skeleton", "skeleton.Rmd"),
output_directory = fs::path_temp(),
output_filename = fs::path_file(fs::file_temp(pattern = "RUBer_report_", ext =
title = "Title",
author = "Author",
date = format(Sys.Date(), format = "%B %Y"),
font_file = "RubFlama-Regular.ttf",
path_figure_template = fs::file_temp(pattern = "figure_template_", ext = ".Rmd"),
post_process = TRUE,
quiet = FALSE
- p_df
Data frame containing the data for all reports
- p_df_stg
Optional data frame with information on cases
- report_nr
Report number of the report
- rmd_template
Path to the R Markdown File for that report, defaults to Datenreport 2022 template from RUBer package
- output_directory
Output directory for the rendered report, defaults to
- output_filename
Output filename for the rendered report, defaults to
p_df[[1, "file_name"]]
- title
Character, title for the title page
- author
Character, author for the title page
- date
Date of the report displayed on the title page, defaults to
format(Sys.Date(), format= "%B %Y")
.- font_file
Character, font file to use in all plots, defaults to "RubFlama-Regular.ttf"
- path_figure_template
Character, file path to write the dynamically generated figure chunks to file (useful for debugging purposes). Defaults to
fs::file_temp(pattern = "figure_template_", ext = ".Rmd")
- post_process
Boolean, whether
gets called on the output file- quiet
An option to suppress printing during rendering from knitr, pandoc command line and others. Passed on to
- ...
Arguments passed on to
# Check if pandoc is available in the minimum required version
pandoc_available <- rmarkdown::pandoc_available(
version = "2.0",
error = FALSE
# Get paths for skeleton.Rmd
skeleton_location <- fs::path_package(
package = "RUBer",
# Session based output directory
output_directory <- fs::path_temp()
# File name for the report output file
output_filename <- fs::path_file(
pattern = "RUBer_report_",
ext = ".docx"
# Full path to output file
path_report_docx <- fs::path(
# Create output directory
# Copy all files in the skeleton folder to the output directory
path = fs::dir_ls(
new_path = output_directory
# Render the report in the temporary output directory
rmd_template = skeleton_location,
output_directory = output_directory,
output_filename = output_filename
#> processing file: skeleton.Rmd
| | 0%
|. | 2%
#> inline R code fragments
|.. | 4%
#> label: setup (with options)
#> List of 1
#> $ include: logi FALSE
|.... | 5%
#> ordinary text without R code
|..... | 7%
#> label: data
|...... | 9%
#> ordinary text without R code
|....... | 11%
#> label: figure_template (with options)
#> List of 1
#> $ eval: logi TRUE
|......... | 12%
#> ordinary text without R code
|.......... | 14%
#> label: unnamed-chunk-1
|........... | 16%
#> ordinary text without R code
|............ | 18%
#> label: unnamed-chunk-2
|.............. | 19%
#> ordinary text without R code
|............... | 21%
#> label: pagebreak-metrics-before
|................ | 23%
#> ordinary text without R code
|................. | 25%
#> label: metrics (with options)
#> List of 3
#> $ tab.cap : chr "PLACEHOLDER_TABDie Datenreporte der Lehrberichtserstattung 2021/2022 im Gesamtüberblick[^icons]"
#> $ : chr "metrics-tab"
#> $ ft.align: chr "left"
|.................. | 26%
#> ordinary text without R code
|.................... | 28%
#> label: stg-cases-eb (with options)
#> List of 3
#> $ tab.cap : chr "PLACEHOLDER_TABVerteilung der Studienfälle auf das 1. und 2. Studienfach je Studiengang bei der Studieneingangsbefragung"
#> $ : chr "stg-cases-tag-eb"
#> $ ft.align: chr "left"
|..................... | 30%
#> ordinary text without R code
|...................... | 32%
#> label: stg-cases-vb (with options)
#> List of 3
#> $ tab.cap : chr "PLACEHOLDER_TABVerteilung der Studienfälle auf das 1. und 2. Studienfach je Studiengang bei der Studienverlaufsbefragung"
#> $ : chr "stg-cases-tag-vb"
#> $ ft.align: chr "left"
|....................... | 33%
#> ordinary text without R code
|......................... | 35%
#> label: stg-cases-ab (with options)
#> List of 3
#> $ tab.cap : chr "PLACEHOLDER_TABVerteilung der Studienfälle auf das 1. und 2. Studienfach je Studiengang bei der Absolvent:innenbefragung"
#> $ : chr "stg-cases-tag-ab"
#> $ ft.align: chr "left"
|.......................... | 37%
#> ordinary text without R code
|........................... | 39%
#> label: funded-projects-table (with options)
#> List of 3
#> $ tab.cap : chr "PLACEHOLDER_TABFörderungen für Weiterentwicklung der Lehre"
#> $ : chr "projects-tab"
#> $ ft.align: chr "left"
|............................ | 40%
#> ordinary text without R code
|............................. | 42%
#> label: showtext-on (with options)
#> List of 1
#> $ include: logi FALSE
|............................... | 44%
#> ordinary text without R code
|................................ | 46%
#> label: create-figures (with options)
#> List of 1
#> $ include: logi FALSE
|................................. | 47%
#> ordinary text without R code
|.................................. | 49%
#> label: paste-figures (with options)
#> List of 1
#> $ results: chr "asis"
|.................................... | 51%
#> ordinary text without R code
|..................................... | 53%
#> label: showtext-off (with options)
#> List of 1
#> $ include: logi FALSE
|...................................... | 54%
#> ordinary text without R code
|....................................... | 56%
#> label: items-child (with options)
#> List of 1
#> $ child: chr "items.Rmd"
#> processing file: ./items.Rmd
| | 0%
|......................................................................| 100%
#> ordinary text without R code
|......................................... | 58%
#> ordinary text without R code
|.......................................... | 60%
#> label: pagebreak-items-table
|........................................... | 61%
#> ordinary text without R code
|............................................ | 63%
#> label: items-table (with options)
#> List of 3
#> $ tab.cap : chr "PLACEHOLDER_TABAcht Items je Abschlussart mit besonders großen Abweichungen zur Fächergruppe"
#> $ : chr "items-tab"
#> $ ft.align: chr "left"
|............................................. | 65%
#> ordinary text without R code
|............................................... | 67%
#> label: studieneingang (with options)
#> List of 3
#> $ tab.cap : chr "PLACEHOLDER_TABZusammensetzung Studieneingangsbefragung"
#> $ : chr "eb-tab"
#> $ ft.align: chr "left"
|................................................ | 68%
#> ordinary text without R code
|................................................. | 70%
#> label: pagebreak-eb
|.................................................. | 72%
#> ordinary text without R code
|.................................................... | 74%
#> label: studienverlauf (with options)
#> List of 3
#> $ tab.cap : chr "PLACEHOLDER_TABZusammensetzung Studienverlaufsbefragung"
#> $ : chr "vb-tab"
#> $ ft.align: chr "left"
|..................................................... | 75%
#> ordinary text without R code
|...................................................... | 77%
#> label: pagebreak-vb
|....................................................... | 79%
#> ordinary text without R code
|........................................................ | 81%
#> label: studienabschluss (with options)
#> List of 3
#> $ tab.cap : chr "PLACEHOLDER_TABZusammensetzung Absolvent:innenbefragung"
#> $ : chr "ab-tab"
#> $ ft.align: chr "left"
|.......................................................... | 82%
#> ordinary text without R code
|........................................................... | 84%
#> label: pagebreak-ab
|............................................................ | 86%
#> ordinary text without R code
|............................................................. | 88%
#> label: studiengaenge (with options)
#> List of 3
#> $ tab.cap : chr "PLACEHOLDER_TABBerücksichtigte Studiengänge"
#> $ : chr "stg-tab"
#> $ ft.align: chr "left"
|............................................................... | 89%
#> ordinary text without R code
|................................................................ | 91%
#> label: pagebreak-studiengaenge
|................................................................. | 93%
#> ordinary text without R code
|.................................................................. | 95%
#> label: studiengaenge-ausgeschlossen (with options)
#> List of 3
#> $ tab.cap : chr "PLACEHOLDER_TABAusgeschlossene Studiengänge"
#> $ : chr "stg-excluded-tab"
#> $ ft.align: chr "left"
|.................................................................... | 96%
#> ordinary text without R code
|..................................................................... | 98%
#> label: pagebreak-studiengaenge-ausgeschlossen
|......................................................................| 100%
#> ordinary text without R code
#> output file:
#> /usr/bin/pandoc +RTS -K512m -RTS --to docx --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+tex_math_single_backslash --output /tmp/Rtmp3VOgTy/RUBer_report_371669c4933b.docx --lua-filter /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/rmarkdown/rmarkdown/lua/pagebreak.lua --table-of-contents --toc-depth 2 --highlight-style tango --reference-doc /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/RUBer/rmarkdown/templates/datenreport-2022/skeleton/rub_reference_2021.docx --filter /usr/bin/pandoc-citeproc
#> Output created: /tmp/Rtmp3VOgTy/RUBer_report_371669c4933b.docx
#> ℹ Report "/tmp/Rtmp3VOgTy/RUBer_report_371669c4933b.docx" was written successfully.