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The docx reference document

As explained in section 3.4 of R Markdown: The Definitive Guide, the first step in creating a reference document is to produce a .docx file using rmarkdown or Pandoc. The formatting and layout of this document can then be edited and saved. The resulting reference document is then used in the YAML metadata of each R Markdown file.

This vignette is intended to track all the changes made to the rub_reference.docx file, so that these changes are reproducible and documented.

We can use officer::styles_info to extract all custom styles defined in the reference document:

reference_docx <- system.file(
  package = "RUBer"

x <- officer::read_docx(

x %>% 
officer::styles_info() %>% 
  ) %>% 
  ) %>% 
#>    style_type             style_id            style_name is_custom is_default
#> 1   character             AlertTok              AlertTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 2   character        AnnotationTok         AnnotationTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 3   character         AttributeTok          AttributeTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 4   character             BaseNTok              BaseNTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 5   character     BeschriftungZchn     Beschriftung Zchn      TRUE      FALSE
#> 6   character           BuiltInTok            BuiltInTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 7   character              CharTok               CharTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 8   character           CommentTok            CommentTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 9   character        CommentVarTok         CommentVarTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 10  character          ConstantTok           ConstantTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 11  character       ControlFlowTok        ControlFlowTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 12  character          DataTypeTok           DataTypeTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 13  character            DecValTok             DecValTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 14  character     DocumentationTok      DocumentationTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 15  character             ErrorTok              ErrorTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 16  character         ExtensionTok          ExtensionTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 17  character             FloatTok              FloatTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 18  character          FunctionTok           FunctionTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 19  character          FuzeileZchn         Fußzeile Zchn      TRUE      FALSE
#> 20  character            ImportTok             ImportTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 21  character       InformationTok        InformationTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 22  character           KeywordTok            KeywordTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 23  character        KopfzeileZchn        Kopfzeile Zchn      TRUE      FALSE
#> 24  character            NormalTok             NormalTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 25  character          OperatorTok           OperatorTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 26  character             OtherTok              OtherTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 27  character      PreprocessorTok       PreprocessorTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 28  character      RegionMarkerTok       RegionMarkerTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 29  character       SpecialCharTok        SpecialCharTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 30  character     SpecialStringTok      SpecialStringTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 31  character SprechblasentextZchn Sprechblasentext Zchn      TRUE      FALSE
#> 32  character            StringTok             StringTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 33  character        TextkrperZchn       Textkörper Zchn      TRUE      FALSE
#> 34  character          VariableTok           VariableTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 35  character         VerbatimChar         Verbatim Char      TRUE      FALSE
#> 36  character    VerbatimStringTok     VerbatimStringTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 37  character           WarningTok            WarningTok      TRUE      FALSE
#> 38  paragraph             Abstract              Abstract      TRUE      FALSE
#> 39  paragraph               Author                Author      TRUE      FALSE
#> 40  paragraph      CaptionedFigure      Captioned Figure      TRUE      FALSE
#> 41  paragraph              Compact               Compact      TRUE      FALSE
#> 42  paragraph           Definition            Definition      TRUE      FALSE
#> 43  paragraph       DefinitionTerm       Definition Term      TRUE      FALSE
#> 44  paragraph               Figure                Figure      TRUE      FALSE
#> 45  paragraph       FirstParagraph       First Paragraph      TRUE      FALSE
#> 46  paragraph         ImageCaption         Image Caption      TRUE      FALSE
#> 47  paragraph           SourceCode           Source Code      TRUE      FALSE
#> 48  paragraph         TableCaption         Table Caption      TRUE      FALSE
#> 49      table                Table                 Table      TRUE      FALSE

Page Layout


  • Top: 2,5 cm
  • Left: 1,5 cm
  • Bottom: 2 cm
  • Right: 2 cm
  • Gutter: 0 cm
  • Gutter position: Left


  • Size: A4


  • Different first page (x)
  • From edge: Header: 1 cm
  • From edge: Footer: 1,1 cm
  • The header repeats the report author and title on the top right of every page using the following Word fields:
  • The footer has the page number on the lower left using the following Word field:



  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Normal
  • Style for following paragraphs: Body Text
  • Font: RubFlama, 26 pt, Bold, Font color: Custom Color(RGB(0;53;96)), Small caps
  • Right: 1cm, Centered
  • Space Before: 256 pt, After: 12pt, Keep with next, Keep lines together


  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: (no style)
  • Style for following paragraphs: Body Text
  • Font: RubFlama, 26 pt, Font color: Custom Color(RGB(141;174;16)), All caps
  • Right: 1 cm, Centered
  • Line spacing: single
  • Space After: 10 pt, Widow/Orphan control, Keep with next, Keep lines together


  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: (no style)
  • Style for following paragraphs: Body Text
  • Font: RubFlama, 16 pt, Font color: Custom Color(RGB(0;53;96)), Small caps
  • Right: 1 cm, Right
  • Line spacing: single
  • Space Before: 256 pt, After: 10 pt, Widow/Orphan control, Keep with next, Keep lines together

TOC Heading

  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Heading 1
  • Style for following paragraphs: Body Text
  • Indent left: 0 cm
  • Indent first line: 0 cm
  • Line spacing: Multiple 1,08 li
  • Space Before: 12 pt, After: 12 pt, None, No bullets or numbering


  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Normal
  • Style for following paragraphs: Normal
  • Right: 1 cm, Left,
  • Space After: 5 pt
  • Tab stops: 0,85 cm, Left + 17,48 cm, Right, Leader: …

Heading 1

  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Normal
  • Style for following paragraphs: Body Text
  • Font: RubFlama, 14 pt, Bold, Font color: Custom Color(RGB(0;53;96)), All caps
  • Indent:
    • Left: 0 cm
    • Hanging: 1,02 cm, Left
  • Space After: 6 pt, Page break before, Keep with next, Keep lines together
  • Level 1, Outline numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0 cm + Indent at: 1,02 cm

Heading 2

  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Normal
  • Style for following paragraphs: Body Text
  • Font: RubFlama, 14 pt, Font color: Custom Color(RGB(0;53;96))
  • Indent:
    • Left: 0 cm
    • Hanging: 1,02 cm, Left
  • Space Before: 10 pt, After: 0 pt, Keep with next, Keep lines together, Level 2, Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0 cm + Indent at: 1,02 cm

Heading 3

  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Normal
  • Style for following paragraphs: Body Text
  • Font: (Default) RubFlama, 14 pt, Font color: Custom Color(RGB(141;174;16)), Left
  • Space Before: 10 pt, After: 0 pt, Keep with next, Keep lines together
  • Level 3

Heading 4

  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Normal
  • Style for following paragraphs: Body Text
  • Font: RubFlama, Font color: Custom Color(RGB(141;174;16)), Left
  • Space Before: 10 pt, After: 0 pt, Keep with next, Keep lines together
  • Level 4

Heading 6

  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Normal
  • Style for following paragraphs: Body Text -Font: (Default) RUB Scala MZ, 9 pt, Italic, - Space After: 18 pt, Keep lines together
  • Level 6

Image Caption

  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Caption
  • Style for following paragraphs: Image Caption
  • Font: 12 pt, Not Italic, Font color: Custom Color(RGB(0;53;96))
  • Space After: 0 pt, Keep with next, Keep lines together

First Paragraph

  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Body Text
  • Style for following paragraphs: Body Text

Body Text

  • Style type: Linked (paragraph and character)
  • Style based on: Normal
  • Style for following paragraphs: Body Text
  • Space Before: 9 pt, After: 9 pt

Footnote Reference

  • Style type: Character
  • Style based on: Caption Char
  • Font: RUB Scala TZ, 12 pt, Not Italic, Superscript

Footnote Text

  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Normal
  • Style for following paragraphs: Footnote Text
  • Font: 10 pt
  • Space After: 6 pt


  • Style type: Linked (paragraph and character)
  • Style based on: Normal
  • Style for following paragraphs: Header
  • Space After: 0 pt
  • Tab stops: 16 cm, Right
  • Style type: Linked (paragraph and character)
  • Style based on: Normal
  • Style for following paragraphs: Footer
  • Space After: 0 pt
  • Tab stops: 16 cm, Right
  • Style type: Character
  • Style based on: Caption Char
  • Font: RUB Scala TZ, 12 pt, Not Italic, Font color: Accent 1


  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Body Text
  • Style for following paragraphs: Compact
  • Space Before: 1,8 pt, After: 1,8 pt

Captioned Figure

  • Style type: Paragraph
  • Style based on: Figure
  • Style for following paragraphs: Captioned Figure
  • Space Before: 12 pt, After: 0 pt, Keep with next